Hello and welcome back to the Upwood Blog!
Today as I was pulling the daily card for my followers on Tik Tok and Instagram it occurred to me that I have been pulling my own daily card for so long now id actually stopped thinking about why I do it.
If you are one of the many people who only pull cards when you are lost or stuck thats ok BUT its possible you are missing out on something amazing! A daily card is a way of letting your spirit guides, loved ones in spirit and/or your higher self speak directly to you. When life is going well tapping into your intuition could lead you to even more happiness, heightened success or even guide you to help someone who isnt doing so well, the possibilities are endless when you welcome guidance into your life.
Let’s look at today’s daily card, the Death card, the card itself feels a little scary when you first see it but it’s actually a very positive card, it represents new beginnings, exciting opportunities to close of chapters no longer serving you and beautiful transformations. If you pull that card on a bad day it will uplift you, give you reassurance and drive you make change BUT if you pull this card on a good day it will stop you in your tracks and make you consider what might be holding you back from even more success, what opportunity you might be missing, what energy you could release to allow yourself to fully connect with your happiness etc
If you are not comfortable pulling your own daily card you can watch my free video tutorial on Awaken with Amy https://www.facebook.com/groups/225565112208044/ or check out @amysharpespiritmedium on Tik Tok or Instagram.
As ever if you have any questions or you need support please do not hesitate to get in touch,
Awaken with me,
Amy xx