Confidence Builder

This is one for everyone!

If you struggle with a lack of confidence, self doubt or low self esteem this workshop will really help you but even the most confident of us have blips from time to time too and need strategies to get back on track!

The challenges of 2020 seems to have created an increase in lack of confidence across the board, increased burn out and self doubt and left many people questioning their worth.

This 2 hour workshop will support you in connecting/reconnecting with your authentic self to help you build confidence, set strong goals, refocus, strip away the doubts and come back to your amazing self!

This is a one of session that will leave you feeling uplifted, reenergised and ready to put your best foot forward.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.
Total Seats: 10 | Left: 10

Event Schedule Details

  • 26/01/2021 19:00 21:00
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